Supplementary Training Courses

A comprehensive list of supplementary online training courses to broaden your knowledge.

We have partnered with one of South Africa’s biggest online educational training providers, specialising in the pre-school teaching and enrichment.
These supplementary courses are designed to assist you and support your teaching career.
Available in English & Afrikaans, these courses are 100% online, you will be issued with a digital, traceable certificate of completion.

Introduction to Play Therapy for Teachers
Short Course

This course is designed to introduce preschool and early childhood educators to the fundamentals of play therapy. Play therapy uses play as a medium to help children express their emotions, process difficult experiences, and develop problem-solving skills in a safe and nurturing environment.

Inleiding tot Spelterapie vir Onderwysers
Kort Kursus

Hierdie kursus is ontwerp om kleuterskool- en vroeëkinderontwikkelingsopvoeders bekend te stel aan die basiese beginsels van spelterapie. Spelterapie gebruik spel as 'n medium om kinders te help om hul emosies uit te druk, moeilike ervarings te verwerk, en robleemoplossingsvaardighede te ontwikkel in 'n veilige en koesterende omgewing

The Importance of Social Skills
Short Course

This short course is designed to equip preschool teachers with the knowledge and tools necessary to foster social skills and encourage the development of meaningful friendships among young children. The course will explore the importance of social interactions, strategies for creating a supportive environment, and techniques for guiding children in building positive relationships with their peers.

Die Belangrikheid van Sosiale Vaardighede
Kort Kursus

Hierdie kort kursus is ontwerp om voorskoolse onderwysers toe te rus met die kennis en gereedskap wat nodig is om sosiale vaardighede te bevorder en die ontwikkeling van betekenisvolle vriendskappe tussen jong kinders aan te moedig. Die kursus sal die belangrikheid van sosiale interaksies, strategieë vir die skep van 'n ondersteunende omgewing en tegnieke om kinders te lei in die bou van positiewe verhoudings met hul maats ondersoek.

Nurturing The Terrible Twos
Short Course

Are you navigating the challenging phase of the "terrible twos" with your toddler? This short course is designed to help parents and teachers understand and manage the behavioral changes and developmental milestones that come with this age. Gain valuable insights, practical strategies, and support from experts and fellow parents to make this phase a little easier for both you and your child.

Koester Die "Terrible Twos"
Kort Kursus

Bevind jy jouself in die uitdagende fase van die " terrible two’s " saam met jou kleuter? Hierdie kursus is ontwerp om ouers en onderwysers te help om die gedragsveranderinge en ontwikkelingsmylpale wat met hierdie ouderdom gepaardgaan, te verstaan en te bestuur.

The Neurodivergent Preschooler
Short Course

This short course aims to provide educators and caregivers with essential insights into recognizing signs and symptoms of neurodivergence in preschool-aged children. By understanding these indicators, you can better support the diverse needs of neurodivergent children in preschool settings. This course is not based on medical advice and we do not make diagnoses. But this is a short course to make you more aware of neurodiversity in toddlers and what to look for in the preschool years.

Die Neurodiverse Kleuter
Kort Kursus

Hierdie kortkursus het ten doel om opvoeders en versorgers van noodsaaklike insigte te voorsien in die herkenning van tekens en simptome van neurodiversiteit by kinders van voorskoolse ouderdom. Deur hierdie aanwysers te verstaan, kan jy die diverse behoeftes van neurodiverse kinders in voorskoolse omgewings beter ondersteun. Die kursus is nie mediese raad nie en dat ons nie diagnoses maak nie. Maar hierdie is n kortkursus om jou meer bewus te maak van neurodiversiteit in kleuters en waarvoor om te kyk in die voorskool jare.

Teach your child to read
Short Course

How do I teach my child to read? Whether you have a toddler in their pre-reading phase or a brand new reader in grade 1, or even an older child who just can’t master the skill of reading, this course is for you.

Leer jou kind lees
Kort kursus

Hoe leer ek my kind lees? Hetsy jy ‘n kleuter in sy pre-leesfase het of ‘n splinternuwe lesertjie in graad 1, of selfs ‘n ouer kind wat net nie die vaardigheid van lees kan bemeester nie, hierdie kursus is vir jou.

The Picky Eater
Short Course

Whether you’re a preschool teacher or a parent, dealing with picky eating can be challenging. But fear not! This course aims to provide you with insights and strategies to tackle this common issue effectively.

Die kieskeurige eter

Of jy nou ‘n voorskoolse onderwyser of ‘n ouer is, die hantering van kieskeurige eetgewoontes kan uitdagend wees. Maar moenie vrees nie! Hierdie kursus het ten doel om jou van insigte en strategieë te voorsien om hierdie algemene probleem doeltreffend aan te pak.

Effective Communication with Parents
Short Course

his short course aims to equip teachers with essential strategies for effective communication with parents. Effective communication fosters positive relationships between teachers and parents, leading to better support for students and a more conducive learning environment.

Effektiewe Kommunikasie met Ouers

Hierdie kort kursus het ten doel om onderwysers toe te rus met noodsaaklike strategieë vir effektiewe kommunikasie met ouers. Effektiewe kommunikasie bevorder positiewe verhoudings tussen onderwysers en ouers, wat lei tot beter ondersteuning vir leerders en ‘n meer bevorderlike leeromgewing.

Music In the Preschool Classroom
Short Course

This course provides a comprehensive analysis of music’s influence on child development. We look at the benefits of music on cognitive, emotional and social development and its neurological impact.

Musiek In die Voorskoolse Klaskamer

Hierdie kursus bied ‘n omvattende ontleding van musiek se invloed op kinderontwikkeling. Ons kyk na die voordele van musiek op kognitiewe, emosionele en sosiale ontwikkeling en die neurologiese impak daarvan.

Emotional Intelligence in the Young Child
Short Course

Emotional intelligence plays a crucial role in a child’s overall well-being and success in life. By understanding and managing their emotions, children can develop healthy relationships, make responsible decisions, and effectively navigate various social situations.

Emosionele Intelligensie in die Klein Kind

Emosionele intelligensie speel ‘n deurslaggewende rol in ‘n kind se algehele welstand en sukses in die lewe. Deur hul emosies te verstaan en te bestuur, kan kinders gesonde verhoudings ontwikkel, verantwoordelike besluite neem en effektief deur verskeie sosiale situasies navigeer.

Science in the Preschool
Short Course

This introductory course covers the basics of Science in the Preschool, teaching you how to use science as a teaching method and how to use practical examples to stir up an interest in this broad and fascinating subject.

Wetenskap in die voorskool

Hierdie inleidende kursus dek die basiese beginsels van Wetenskap in die Voorskool, en leer jou hoe om wetenskap as onderrigmetode te gebruik en hoe om praktiese voorbeelde te gebruik om belangstelling in hierdie breë en fassinerende vak te wek.

Self-Care for Teachers
Short Course

Caring for yourself is a necessary part of caring for others! In this course we are going to teach you how to take care of yourself this holiday and how to prepare for an amazing new refreshed YOU!

Selfsorg vir Onderwysers

Om na jouself om te sien is ‘n noodsaaklike deel van omsien na ander! In hierdie kursus gaan ons jou dié vakansie leer hoe om selfsorg toe te pas en hoe om voor te berei vir ‘n wonderlike nuwe JY!

Health, Safety and Hygiene in the Preschool
Short Course

This course serves as an introduction to Health, Safety and Hygiene in the Preschool. With tips and best practice guidelines to assist you in creating and managing a safe, healthy & hygienic preschool environment, this course also includes guidelines on your sick policy.

Gesondheid, Veiligheid en Higiëne in die Voorskool

Hierdie kursus dien as ‘n inleiding tot gesondheid, veiligheid en higiëne in die voorskool met wenke en bestepraktykriglyne om jou te help om ‘n veilige, gesonde en higiëniese voorskoolse omgewing te skep en te bestuur.

Mathematics in the Preschool
Short Course

In the Mathematics in the Preschool Short Course we look at the importance of understanding numbers, but also at the value of counting rhymes and other patterns. We discuss which other mathematical skills are important and how to apply mathematics in the preschool classroom practically.

Wiskunde in die voorskool

In die Wiskunde in die voorskool – Kortkursus kyk ons na die belangrikheid van getalbegrip, maar ook na die waarde van telrympies en ander patrone. Ons bespreek watter ander wiskundige vaardighede nóg van belang is en hoe om wiskunde in die voorskoolse klas prakties toe te pas.

The Importance of Reading Aloud
Short Course

We already know that reading aloud to children is of immense value, but what is it that makes reading aloud so valuable? In the next course we unlock the wonder of reading aloud, answering questions such as which books to choose and why, and at what age our children are ready to listen to readings.

Die Belangrikheid van Voorlees

Ons weet reeds dat voorlees vir kinders van ontsaglike waarde is, maar wat ís dit wat voorlees só waardevol maak? In die volgende kursus ontsluit ons die wonder van voorlees, en beantwoord ons vrae soos watter boeke om te kies en waarom, en op watter ouderdom ons kinders gereed is om na voorlesings te luister.

Art in the Preschool Classroom
Short Course

In this course we look at, among other things, the developmental stages of children’s art and the great role that art plays in the total development of the child. We look at what children’s art should not look like, and what quality children’s art should look like.

Kuns in die Kleuter Klaskamer

n hierdie kursus kyk ons onder meer na die ontwikkelingstadia van kinderkuns en die groot rol wat kuns in die totale ontwikkeling van die kind speel. Ons kyk na hoe kinderkuns nié moet lyk nie, en hoe gehalte kinderkuns wel moet lyk.

School Readiness
Short Course

In this course we look at the importance of getting children ready for school and factors that influence school readiness. We also look at the requirements a child must meet to be ready for school, at activities to practice these skills, and at school readiness tests.


In hierdie kursus kyk ons na die belangrikheid daarvan om kinders vir skool gereed te maak en faktore wat skoolgereedheid beïnvloed. Ons kyk ook na die vereistes waaraan ‘n kind moet voldoen om gereed te wees vir skool, na aktiwiteite om hierdie vaardighede te oefen, en na skoolgereedheidstoetse.

Pencil Grasp in the Young Child
Short Course

In this course we are going to have a closer look at the development of pencil grasp in young children. We will look at the different ages and stages and discuss how the physiology of a young child’s hands needs to be taken into consideration in educational tasks.

Potloodgreep in die Jong Kind

In hierdie kursus gaan kyk na die ontwikkeling van potloodgreep by jong kinders. Ons sal na die verskillende ouderdomme en stadiums kyk en bespreek hoe die fisiologie van ‘n jong kind se hande in ag geneem moet word in opvoedkundige take.

Puzzles in the Preschool
Short Course

There is no mistaking the benefits of puzzles in childhood development. You used them, your parents used them and your children are using them now. Give your child the opportunity to continue learning from simple shapes, to silhouettes, to jigsaw puzzles, to abstract shapes united by a mathematical concept that include a board game twist.

Legkaarte in die Voorskool

Daar is geen twyfel oor die voordele van legkaarte in kinderontwikkeling nie. Jy het dit gebruik, jou ouers het dit gebruik en jou kinders gebruik dit nou. Gee jou kind die geleentheid om aan te hou leer, van eenvoudige vorms tot silhoeëtte, tot legkaarte, tot abstrakte vorms, alles verenig deur ‘n wiskundige konsep wat ‘n bordspeletjie-draaipunt insluit.

The Importance of Outdoor Play
Short Course

Playgrounds are places where children’s play can take off and flourish. Good outdoor playgrounds are large enough and designed in such a way that children’s play can come to full expression, where children can make a mess, run, jump and hide, where they can shout, whistle and explore the natural world.

Die Belangrikheid van Buitespel

Speelgronde is plekke waar kinders se spel kan vlerke kry en kan floreer. Goeie buitelugspeelgronde is groot genoeg en só ontwerp dat kinders se spel tot volle uitdrukking kan kom. ‘n Plek waar kinders kan mors, hardloop, spring en wegkruip, waar hulle kan skree, fluit en die natuurlike omgewing kan verken.

Toddlers that Bite
Short Course

Biting in pre-school is a common phenomenon, teachers often find it difficult to deal with an event like this and do not know how to deal with the four parties involved, the biter, the bitten and their parents.

Kleuters wat byt

Byt in kleuterskole, is ‘n algemene verskynsel. Onderwysers vind dit dikwels moeilik om ‘n gebeurtenis soos hierdie te hanteer en weet nie hoe om die vier betrokke partye te hanteer nie: die byter, die kind wat gebyt is en beide se ouers.

Discipline for the Young Child
Short Course

Classroom management is a difficult challenge for educators. For teachers teaching their first-year, it is often rated as the primary area of concern, and is the most common reason many educators leave education. For many teachers, enforcing discipline in the classroom is frustrating and downright exhausting.

Dissipline vir die klein kind

Klaskamerbestuur is ‘n beduidende uitdaging vir opvoeders. Dit word gereeld aangeslaan as die primêre area tot kommer vir verál eerstejaar onderwysers en is die mees algemene rede waarom baie opvoeders die onderwys verlaat. Vir baie onderwysers is die toepassing van dissipline in die klaskamer frustrerend en eenvoudig uitmergelend.

Separation Anxiety in the Young Child
Short Course

In this course we will take a closer look at separation anxiety, including: Define separation anxiety Discuss Symptoms Discuss its duration What teachers can do How parents can help Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs What parents need to know about separation anxiety Separation Anxiety Tips for Parents Setting up morning tables

Skeidingsangs in die Klein Kind

In hierdie kursus sal ons skeidingsangs van nader bekyk, insluitend: Definieer skeidingsangs Bespreek Simptome Bespreek die duur daarvan Wat onderwysers kan doen Hoe ouers kan help Maslow se hiërargie vir behoeftes Wat moet ouers weet omtrent skeidingsangs Wenke vir skeidingsangs vir ouers Die opstel van oggendtafels

Lesson Planning and Assessment According to the ELDAs Requirements
Short Course

Course Content:
How do I choose my themes?
How do I know what every age child needs to know?
What learning areas do I cover?
How do I align it with the ELDA document to meet the national requirements?
What is continuous assessment?
What am I assessing?
How do I set up my own assessments?

Lesbeplanning en Assessering Volgens die ELDAs

Hoe kies ek my temas?
Hoe weet ek wat elke ouderdomskind moet weet?
Watter leerareas dek ek?
Hoe bring ek dit in lyn met die ELDA-dokument om aan die nasionale vereistes te voldoen?
Wat is deurlopende assessering? Wat assesseer ek?
Hoe stel ek my eie assesserings op?

Potty Training in the Young Child
Short Course

Course contents: In this course we will teach you the fundamentals of potty training. What to do when and how to guide the young child on this new journey in their path to becoming a more capable child.

Potjieopleiding in die Klein Kind

In hierdie kursus sal ons jou die grondbeginsels van potjieopleiding leer. Wat om te doen wanneer en hoe om die jong kind te lei op hierdie nuwe reis in hul pad om ‘n meer bekwame kind te word.

Cognitive and Language Development in the Young Child
Short Course

We look into the classic and more modern approaches for studying the cognitive development of infants and toddlers and answer questions such as how do infants learn, how and when does memory develop, what accounts for individual differences in cognitive abilities and do social interaction advance cognitive competence?

Kognitiewe- en Taalontwikkeling in die Klein Kind

Ons kyk na die klassieke en meer moderne benaderings vir die bestudering van die kognitiewe ontwikkeling van babas en kleuters en beantwoord vrae soos: hoe leer babas, hoe en wanneer ontwikkel geheue, wat is verantwoordelik vir individuele verskille in kognitiewe vermoëns, en bevorder sosiale interaksie kognitiewe bevoegdheid ?

Perceptual Development and Skills in the Young Child
Short Course

Find out what skills fall under the “perceptual development” umbrella, and what the purpose of perceptual development is. We take a look at perceptual milestones and age appropriate activities that develops the different skills. This course can be done in your own time and includes lesson material and video/s.

Perseptuele Ontwikkeling en – Vaardighede in die Klein Kind

Vind uit watter vaardighede onder die “perseptuele ontwikkeling”-sambreel val, en wat die doel van perseptuele ontwikkeling is. Ons kyk na perseptuele mylpale en na ouderdomsgepaste aktiwiteite wat die verskillende vaardighede ontwikkel. Die kursus kan teen jou eie pas voltooi word en sluit lesmateriaal en video/s in.

Sensory and Motor Development in the Young Child
Short Course

We look into the classic and more modern approaches for studying the cognitive development of infants and toddlers and answer questions such as how do infants learn, how and when does memory develop, what accounts for individual differences in cognitive abilities and do social interaction advance cognitive competence?

Sensoriese – en Motoriese Ontwikkeling in die Klein Kind

Vind uit wat die sensoriese kapasiteit vir babas en kleuters is, en waarom dit belangrik is.
Ons kyk ook na aktiwiteite om hulle sensories te stimuleer.
Kyk na hoe ‘n baba en kleuter motories ontwikkel, ontvang mylpale en aktiwiteite, en weet wanneer daar rede tot kommer is.
Die kursus kan teen jou eie pas voltooi word en sluit lesmateriaal en video/s in.

Please contact us should you require further information:

Level 4 Fees & Costs:
Application fee: R250
Enrolment fee: R2500
Course Fee: R9,800 (Once off payment)
Monthly Instalment Options
Affordability Calculator:
10 Months Instalment
(R980 deposit & R980 X 09 Months – Total Repayable: R9,800 Over 10 months)
12 Months Instalment
(R817 deposit & R817 X 11 Months – Total Repayable: R9,804 Over 12 months)
18 Months Instalment
(R817 deposit & R817 X 17 Months – Total Repayable: R14,706 Over 18 months)
**EISA external exam - Not included - cost is centre based

ECD Online is not a FSP. Any Financial Services are provided through our payment partners Yoco & PayFast and their affiliated FSP’s. ECD Online will however facilitate the monthly stop order process by providing students the required details for them to initiate their stop order process, if this is the method they have chosen to pay for their course.